2023 Festival Messages

2023 President's Sermon

September 29

The First Feast of the Millennium
Clyde Kilough · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Vision of the Future
Steven D. Moody · New Braunfels, Texas

The Way, the Path, the Gate
Phil Sandilands · Orange Beach, Alabama

Why Are We Here? Tourist or Sojourner?
Jon Pinelli · Victoria, British Columbia

September 30

We Are Gods!
David Register · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

Fears, Phobias and the Feast
Scott Lord · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

What If This Were Your Last Feast of Tabernacles?
Jim Franks · Orange Beach, Alabama

Why Is God Determined to Restore All Things?
Ken Giese · Palm Desert, California

Images of the Millennium
Greg Sargent · Park City, Utah

Isaiah 9:6 Reveals Christ’s Qualities As King
Peter Hawkins · Bahamas

The Transfiguration A lesson for the FOT
Britton Taylor · Victoria, British Columbia

The Feast of Booths—Looking Forward or Back?
John Foster · Branson, Missouri

As a Shepherd Cares for His Flock
Mike Blackwell · Branson, Missouri

Israel in the Millennium
David Treybig · Cortona, Italy

Why Are We Here Again?
Ron Kelley · Greenville, South Carolina

When God Intervenes, Everything Changes
Mark Winner · Greenville, South Carolina

October 1

Learning the Joy of Coming Under Authority
Andy Burnett · New Braunfels, Texas

The Golden Ticket
Wes Cohron · Orange Beach, Alabama

The Responsibilities and Rewards of the First Fruits
Eric Evans · Greenville, South Carolina

October 2

Repentance 1.0, 1.5 and Beyond
Doug Johnson · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

Kingdom of Priests
Chad Messerly · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Humor in the Millennium
Mike Bennett · New Braunfels, Texas

Comin’ and Goin’
David Gatley · New Braunfels, Texas

Dedication of the Temple and the Church
Jim Franks · Orange Beach, Alabama

Why Jesus Walked on Water
Brit Railston · Palm Desert, California

From the Best Feast Ever to Better Forever
Dan Anderson · Palm Desert, California

Four Components of the Kingdom of God
Greg Sargent · Park City, Utah

Our Hearts Dance at the Feast
Don Henson · Victoria, British Columbia

This Is the Way, Walk in It
Dennis Fultz · Branson, Missouri

A Time of Harvests
Paul Carter · Cortona, Italy

October 3

Justice Is Coming Soon!
David Register · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

That Your Generations May Know
James Ellis · New Braunfels, Texas

Recapturing True Values
Tim Rickard · Orange Beach, Alabama

Tom Schultz · Palm Desert, California

A Prepared Place for You!
Caleb Froedge · Park City, Utah

Called for His Purpose
John Bennett · Bahamas

The Coming Kingdom of Peace
Jeremy Hess · Bahamas

We March with a High Hand
Britton Taylor · Victoria, British Columbia

Cities in the Millennium
Dennis Fultz · Branson, Missouri

People of the Book
Tom Clark · Branson, Missouri

The Eternal Renaissance
Cory Erickson · Cortona, Italy

Kevin Epps · Cortona, Italy

The Sound of Music
Tom Burrows · Greenville, South Carolina

October 4

Humanity’s Search for Shortcuts
Doug Johnson · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

The Sound and Sight of Change
Blaney Sproul · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

A Country of Our Own
Martin Cole · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

They Shall Learn War No More
Chad Messerly · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Except You Become as Little Children
Michael Machin Sr · New Braunfels, Texas

Let The Redeemed of the Lord Say So
Greg Swartz · New Braunfels, Texas

Our Reward
Chuck Sinon · Orange Beach, Alabama

Are We Excited?
Matt Pavlik · Orange Beach, Alabama

I Will Rebuke the Devourer
Chris Moen · Palm Desert, California

Perfect Peace - The Peace of God that Surpasses All Understanding
Steve Anderson · Palm Desert, California

The Spiritual Water
Chris Moen · Palm Desert, California

God’s Investment in You
Jim Chapman · Park City, Utah

The Restoration of the Family
Kevin Burt · Park City, Utah

I’ll see you in the Kingdom
Barry Richey · Bahamas

Family Today, Tomorrow and Forever
Mike Blackwell · Branson, Missouri

Lessons From Solomon
Kevin Epps · Cortona, Italy

What We Will Teach in the Millennium
Joel Waterhouse · Greenville, South Carolina

The Prodigal Son and the Kingdom of God-God Wants our Whole Heart
Bill Johnson · Greenville, South Carolina

October 5

Blessed Are the Peacemakers
David Johnson · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

The Kingdom of God and the Millennial Reign of Christ—What’s the Difference?
Doug Johnson · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

The Checklist
Scott Lord · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

The End of the World As We Know It
David Gatley · New Braunfels, Texas

God’s Mission Impossible
Michael Hanisko · Orange Beach, Alabama

The Transfiguration: A Lesson for the Feast
Britton Taylor · Palm Desert, California

Ask the Animals and They Will Teach You
Jeff Yost · Bahamas

Ecclesiates and the Feast of Tabernacles
Arnold Hampton · Bahamas

The Beautiful, Millennial Mind of God
Tom May · Victoria, British Columbia

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade
Michael Lindenberg · Victoria, British Columbia

Watch and Pray
Cecil Maranville · Branson, Missouri

Kingdom Thinking
Jim Servidio · Branson, Missouri

What If This Were Your Last Feast of Tabernacles?
Jim Franks · Greenville, South Carolina

October 6

Trust in God, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and Beyond
Matthew Zollner · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

Living with a Sense of Urgency in the Time of the End
John Pentlin · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

An Overture to the Grand Finale
James Ellis · New Braunfels, Texas

Randal Rapp · New Braunfels, Texas

Why Will Satan Be Released?
Phil Sandilands · Orange Beach, Alabama

Lessons From Metamorphosis
Tim Rickard · Orange Beach, Alabama

Rivers of Living Water
Mark Hampton · Bahamas

Seven Kingdom Values That Last Forever
Mark Whynaucht · Park City, Utah

What Happens After the Millennium Concludes?
John Foster · Branson, Missouri

Human Relations—What Is God Looking For?
Mark D Winner · Greenville, South Carolina

October 7

The End of the Beginning
David Johnson · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

The Two Trees, the Last Great Day and the Red Parking Lot
Doug Johnson · Kohala Coast, Hawaii

God Has Not Failed
Chad Messerly · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

I Know the Plans I Have for You
Clyde Kilough · Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Eighth Day—The Last Great Day
Tim Waddle · New Braunfels, Texas

Laborers for the Fall Harvest
Steven D. Moody · New Braunfels, Texas

Lest We Sorrow as Others Who Have No Hope
Wes Cohron · Orange Beach, Alabama

Lord, Increase Our Faith
Michael Hanisko · Orange Beach, Alabama

Making the Second Resurrection Personal
Larry Neff · Palm Desert, California

The Last Great Day, What Lies Beyond
Britton Taylor · Palm Desert, California

Connecting the Dots - The Conversion of Humanity
Peter Hawkins · Bahamas

The Will of the Father
Caleb Froedge · Park City, Utah

Stay in the Book
Ken Treybig · Park City, Utah

The Last Great Day of Salvation
Don Henson · Victoria, British Columbia

GPS: God’s Positioning System
Dave Myers · Victoria, British Columbia

How Has This Feast Changed You?
Tom Clark · Branson, Missouri