Huanchaco, Peru

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Location of Services

Hotel Bracamonte
Los Olivos
Huanchaco, Peru

First Service Time

Monday, Oct. 6, 2025, 7 p.m.

Site Description

This year, once again, we will be celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day in Huanchaco. Huanchaco is a small, picturesque town located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. It gives us the opportunity to celebrate the Feast in a very peaceful environment.

Huanchaco is 350 miles north of Lima, the capital of Peru. You can either take a bus (an eight-hour ride) or fly to Huanchaco airport (a 50-minute flight).

Even though it is a small town, Huanchaco has fine restaurants and hotels with everything to make your stay comfortable.

Services will be in Spanish with no translation.

Carlos Saavedra