2023 New Braunfels, Texas Festival Messages

2023 President's Sermon

September 29

Vision of the Future
Steven D. Moody

The fall festivals are meant to give us a vision of the future. Is the Kingdom of God something we really want?

October 1

Learning the Joy of Coming Under Authority
Andy Burnett

Mankind has grappled with “coming under authority” throughout the ages and has suffered under oppressive authority. What challenges might those in the Millennium face in this area? Why will mankind in time come to experience the joy of coming under authority? Are we coming under authority in our lives now?  

October 2

Humor in the Millennium
Mike Bennett

Why do we laugh and rejoice at the Feast? Because God has a sense of humor, and we are picturing the time when laughing and joy will spread around the world!

Comin’ and Goin’
David Gatley

Let’s look at two biblical concepts: come out of this world and go ye therefore into all the world. We come out of the world at the Feast of Tabernacles and in our daily lives, but the commission that Christ gave to the apostles to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19) will apply to us too!

October 3

That Your Generations May Know
James Ellis

Our temporary dwellings at the Feast of Tabernacles help us to better understand and see the plan of God. These booths serve as annual reminders for us—reminders of where we have been as well as where we are going.

October 4

Except You Become as Little Children
Michael Machin Sr

Little children have attributes that help them to learn and to love. As adults we don’t want to lose those attributes. For of such is the Kingdom 

Let The Redeemed of the Lord Say So
Greg Swartz

We examine the connection between a passage in Galatians 4 and the very encouraging chapter of Isaiah 54.

October 5

The End of the World As We Know It
David Gatley

Many have fears of the “end of the world” from so many causes. The actual end of this world as we know it is shown in the Word of God. The good news is that we have hope in the world that is to come!

October 6

An Overture to the Grand Finale
James Ellis

Overtures are often the most remembered pieces of orchestral compositions, but they’re only one part of the overall work. In this message we’re going to compare the Feast of Tabernacles to an overture. While the Millennium is a beloved part of God’s plan of salvation, there is so much more in store!

Randal Rapp

Our physical bodies can be corrupted by age and disease. We were not designed to live forever. But at the return of Christ, those resurrected and those alive at that time who will be changed, will be given new spiritual bodies. Do you look forward to your new incorruptible spirit body?

October 7

Eighth Day—The Last Great Day
Tim Waddle

While many think that God is trying to save everyone at this time, Scripture shows us that all will have their due time to know God, to know truth and to choose to live God’s way of life.

Laborers for the Fall Harvest
Steven D. Moody

What we need to be doing to prepare to be the laborers in the coming fall harvest in God’s Kingdom.


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