2023 Branson, Missouri Festival Messages

2023 President's Sermon

September 30

The Feast of Booths—Looking Forward or Back?
John Foster

Ancient Israel stayed in booths as a reminder of the Exodus from Egypt, whereas we keep the Feast today as a picture of the future.

As a Shepherd Cares for His Flock
Mike Blackwell

The Millennium will be exciting, but the world will be devastated, confused and angry. Christ will lead with a firm, but gentle and compassionate hand. We will look at some vital components needed to truly bring the world peace.

October 2

This Is the Way, Walk in It
Dennis Fultz

The youth of God’s Church have an incredible future ahead of them. They are being invited to become part of the family of God. They are being called today to learn, love and live God’s way of life, and they will teach “The Way to Go” during the Millennium.

October 3

Cities in the Millennium
Dennis Fultz

Most large cities in the world today are filled with crime and pollution. Under the leadership of Jesus Christ, the cities in the Millennium will be rebuilt, safe and clean for humans to live in prosperity and peace.

People of the Book
Tom Clark

The people of God have always been “people of the book.” Today there is little emphasis on reading. We must be people who read and who can think deeply about the Word of God and about what God tells us this Feast means. Are we going to be “people of the book”?

October 4

Family Today, Tomorrow and Forever
Mike Blackwell

Satan hates the family. He has almost succeeded in destroying the family as God made it. This will begin to change when Christ reigns. In the world tomorrow family will again be central to life. We will see how family will change.

October 5

Watch and Pray
Cecil Maranville

We’ve been given helpful guidelines on worthwhile news sources. That is not what our study will be about! The news can be frustrating. On the other hand, it can be addictive! Are we doing what Christ meant by “watch and pray”? We will explore that question, as well as several related scriptures.

Kingdom Thinking
Jim Servidio

The Feast is not only for picturing what is ahead but for helping us understand and develop the kind of attitude and thinking extant in God’s Kingdom. Here are four biblical examples, two men and two women, who displayed Kingdom thinking in an exemplary and noteworthy way. 

October 6

What Happens After the Millennium Concludes?
John Foster

God’s ways will have been known for 1,000 years, but some will turn and follow Satan. We need to review some lessons we can learn from this coming event.

October 7

How Has This Feast Changed You?
Tom Clark

How has your time here changed you? Remember Lot’s wife? She was in a depraved society and was called to come out of it by angelic messengers. Yet she looked back, with apparent intent to return. It seems what she learned with the angels didn’t change her enough to want to come out of that world. What about us?


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