2023 Bahamas Festival Messages

2023 President's Sermon

September 30

Isaiah 9:6 Reveals Christ’s Qualities As King
Peter Hawkins

Early verses in Isaiah 9 are quoted in the NT about Jesus' first coming. Then verses about the joy of the harvest lead into a description of Christ's nature. These are qualities we can emulate in our training now so we can properly serve Him and humanity in the Millennium.

October 3

Called for His Purpose
John Bennett

We know that God called us for His purpose. Part of which was for us to overcome this world and the cares of this life. And in doing so, to also be a part of bringing change, restoration, and hope to a dying and what will have become a desolate world!

The Coming Kingdom of Peace
Jeremy Hess

When we look at the world today we see a world in a chaos; however when we look at the World Tomorrow we see a Kingdom of Peace. A peace that will be unbreakable and will wash away sorrow and be replaced with joy.

October 4

I’ll see you in the Kingdom
Barry Richey

Humility is a prerequisite to enter the Kingdom. Atonement comes before the Feast for much more than the banishment of Satan and sets the stage to enter God's rest.

October 5

Ask the Animals and They Will Teach You
Jeff Yost

God’s creation includes a world full of animals. These animals are amazing and it is a blessing to have them. We can see how these animals teach us about God. This message investigates several ways in which we can learn more about God through the animals that he created.

Ecclesiates and the Feast of Tabernacles
Arnold Hampton

According to Jewish tradition, the book of Ecclesiastes was read during the Feast of Tabernacles. The lesson of the book is that life without God is futile. So is the Feast of Tabernacles.

October 6

Rivers of Living Water
Mark Hampton

Jesus Christ told those who were spiritually thirsty to come to Him and drink, and out of their hearts would flow rivers of living water. We have drunk richly during this Feast, and should respond by allowing that living water to flow through us—so that we can benefit others both now and in the age to come.

October 7

Connecting the Dots - The Conversion of Humanity
Peter Hawkins

Most of those waiting to be called out of their graves have never heard of Jesus Christ or the Bible. How will they learn about sin, salvation, and God's way of life? Personalities from Hebrews 11 and examples Jesus gave can give us an idea how God will accomplish this gargantuan task, and connect the dots!


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