2023 Park City, Utah Festival Messages

2023 President's Sermon

September 30

Images of the Millennium
Greg Sargent

Scriptures tell us the blessings of the 1,000-year rule under the Kingdom of God. Pictures tell a thousand words, describing previously wild animals that are tame and the beauty and abundance of the Millennium.

October 2

Four Components of the Kingdom of God
Greg Sargent

The gospel is about the Kingdom of God. The Bible defines God’s Kingdom in detail: righteous laws, immortal citizens inheriting the earth, and Christ the reigning King.

October 3

A Prepared Place for You!
Caleb Froedge

The Bible gives us incredible examples of God preparing different youth for specific jobs or future responsibilities. These examples remind us of the incredible human potential we all have, while also helping us see that God does not exclude the youth! 

October 4

God’s Investment in You
Jim Chapman

The incredible value of the investments that the God family has and is investing in each of us being in Their family.

The Restoration of the Family
Kevin Burt

The nuclear family has been under intense attack in the woke Western society. We need to strengthen our families living according to the traditional male and female roles that God established from the beginning. In doing so, we will set the right example now and can then teach others these roles in the Millennium.

October 6

Seven Kingdom Values That Last Forever
Mark Whynaucht

When we learn to value what God values, we will focus on developing these values in our lives. These values will last for all eternity. And in order to obtain this pearl of great price, this wonderful treasure, these Kingdom values must become a part of who we are right now.

October 7

The Will of the Father
Caleb Froedge

God is not willing that any should perish. This is the Father’s will and desire. Today is not the only “day” of salvation, and even though this idea is not the will of most people, it is the Father’s will.  On the Last Great Day, we clearly see what the Father’s will is for all of mankind!

Stay in the Book
Ken Treybig

As we head home soon from this wonderful Feast and Last Great Day celebration, a vitally important question arises: “Will all of us be observing this Feast season next year?” Everything I’ll say for the next 50-60 minutes can be summarized with “Stay in the Book,” but let me flesh that out a little.


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