2023 Palm Desert, California Festival Messages

2023 President's Sermon

September 30

Why Is God Determined to Restore All Things?
Ken Giese

Why doesn’t He just get on with the new heavens and new earth? What is the point of restoring this creation and then destroying it and starting over with new heavens and a new earth?  

October 2

Why Jesus Walked on Water
Brit Railston

In this message we’ll look at the entire reason Jesus walked on water to prove to the 12 disciples that He was the Son of God and not just some physical messiah. In the Kingdom of God, our primary job will be to do the same to those we serve as kings and priests.

From the Best Feast Ever to Better Forever
Dan Anderson

We all enjoy the physical blessings of keeping the FoT - and having the "Best Feast Ever". But, what God has in store for our future (and all mankind) will make the physical Feasts that we've kept in this lifetime - fade away until we remember them no more - as it says in Isaiah 65:17.

October 3

Tom Schultz

We are to do certain things as they pertain to our calling and journey towards God’s kingdom; watch, pray, stand firm, endure, and remember. We must remember that living God’s way isn’t just better than the world’s way, but the rewards are far greater as well.

October 4

I Will Rebuke the Devourer
Chris Moen

There’s a coming millennial agricultural revolution, when God will bring back the conditions of the Garden of Eden across the whole earth. He will remove the devourer from the earth and the sky.

Perfect Peace - The Peace of God that Surpasses All Understanding
Steve Anderson

A Real Peace will permeate throughout the earth during the millennium. All wars cease and there will be a peace of mind that the world has not experienced since the creation of man. We will have the wonderful opportunity to to serve as peacemakers - teachers of peace throughout all of God's Kingdom.

The Spiritual Water
Chris Moen

The astonishing miracle of the healing of the water flowing from Jerusalem at the start of the Millennium is only part of the story. It has a connection to the spiritual healing of the nations and how God’s healing power will cause the brokenhearted to forget the former things.

October 5

The Transfiguration: A Lesson for the Feast
Britton Taylor

Jesus Christ allowed three disciples to see a vision and witness His change from physical to the brightness of a spirit being. This remarkable event is tied to Christ’s return and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth. This sermon explores the link between the transfiguration and the Feast of Tabernacles.

October 7

Making the Second Resurrection Personal
Larry Neff

The magnitude of this resurrection is important, but so are individual situations.  This sermon will explain our doctrine with scriptures, but emphasize looking forward to special people we hope to work with.

The Last Great Day, What Lies Beyond
Britton Taylor

A time is coming where the physical realm of existence melts into the spiritual realm of God.


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