2024 Tucson, Arizona Festival Messages

2024 President's Sermon

October 16

You Are Invited
Paul Carter

We have been individually and collectively invited to keep the Feast. With that invitation, there are things that God expects from us as participants in His Feast.

October 17

Common Faith, Hope and Salvation
Jim Franks

What will identify us as citizens of God’s Kingdom? We have a common faith, a common hope and a common salvation.

October 18

Marriage of the Lamb
James (Al) Garrett

How does Christ weld the vast diversity of Church members into a single body? The marriage of the Lamb to the Church is rich with symbolism that shows how the transition from a diverse collection of members into the Christ’s Bride will occur.  

Patience as Teachers in the Millennium
Brit Railston

Patience will be required of us as teachers in the Millennium. What lessons on patience can we learn from the three examples James provides us (farmer, prophets, Job)?

Prepare to Serve or Just Be in the Kingdom?
Tom Clark

If we plan to serve rather than just be in the Kingdom of God, it changes how we think and live Christianity today.

October 20

What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for the Kingdom?
Tom Clark

Living Christianity always involves sacrifice. That means giving up something you value or care about for something that is more precious. Three examples: Demas, John Mark and Moses.

October 21

The Way
Paul Carter

God’s way of life is referred to as “the way” throughout His Word. Do we know it, do we live it, and are we ready to be the voice that says, “This is the way, walk in it”?

October 22

The Divine Presence
David Johnson

God places His own presence at the Feast sites He selects. Why is that important? What has the divine presence meant in the past? And what will it mean as we keep the Feast today and in the future?

October 23

Are You Like a Firefly? Power of Example
Tom Clark

Fireflies glow in the dark, and our example must also glow in a darker and darker world.

October 24

The Last Great Day: “The Awakening”
Paul Carter

The dead are sleeping the sleep of death. Billions are in their graves awaiting a call from God to awaken from that sleep. This day represents “the awakening.”

Embracing the Vision
David Johnson

There was a time when the work of God was a clear and powerful motivator for Church members. What is that work today? Is it as important as it should be in our lives? Are we still inspired by God’s vision of His work?


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