2024 Redmond, Oregon Festival Messages

2024 President's Sermon

October 16

Why Are We Here? My Peace I Give You
Jon Pinelli

The world today seeks peace through its human governments and ideals. And yet, man has never been able to achieve lasting peace for any duration of time, nor will he be able to achieve it. The Prince of Peace is the only way true peace will come—peace with our Creator God and peace with our fellow man.

October 17

Rejoice the Feast Is Here
Michael Hanisko

We don’t just like the Feast of Tabernacles—we need the Feast of Tabernacles. This sermon will review God’s commands and instructions concerning the Feast of Tabernacles to help us be in the right frame of mind in spirit and attitude.

October 19

The Lesson of Sabbath Healing
Jon Pinelli

Jesus’ Sabbath healings pointed to a greater healing that will take place in the Millennium—a healing of the physical earth and a healing of man’s mind to understand his opportunity to be in the family of God.

October 21

Be Holy Because I Am Holy
Michael Hanisko

This sermon will examine the life of the average Israelite family with regards to holiness to see what it was God expected of them and to see what lessons there are for us today as we are here celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles to continue our training in holiness. We will see God’s standards of holiness.

October 22

Spies for God’s Kingdom
Larry Lambert

Like the 12 spies sent to spy out the Promised Land, we, too, have been given a similar opportunity to “spy out the land” of God’s coming Kingdom and give the world a report about what it will be like. Do we see giants that will devour us? Or do we realize that we are well able to overcome it?