2024 Orange Beach, Alabama Festival Messages

2024 President's Sermon

October 16

Since the World Began
Tim Rickard

Acts 3:19-21 is a pivotal scripture in the Bible, where Peter drives home the point that a plan of salvation and restoration has been laid out since the beginning of time. The Feast of Tabernacles pictures that time of restoration, and God is looking for leaders to embrace their role as kings and priests.

October 17

Demolishing the High Places
Andy Burnett

Scripture talks about the total destruction of false worship in the Millennium, including the high places where Israel and the nations of the world worshipped false gods and committed idolatry.  Are we demolishing the “high places” in our lives now?

October 19

Walk Worthy, God Has Chosen You!
Bruce Gore

Do we realize how awesome it is to be chosen by God? Let’s look at several related issues: When was the decision made to call you? When did you become aware of it? How was the calling or invitation delivered? Why and to what purpose were we called?

Spiritual Life in the Millennium
Rick Avent

The Bible tells us quite a bit about the physical realm in the Millennium but less about the spiritual realm. Taking a cue from Paul, what can the creation, combined with Scripture, tell us about spiritual life in the Millennium?

October 20

The Lord Is King Over All the Earth
Tom Kirkpatrick

Throughout the Millennium, Christ will be in control of all three branches of government: legislative (He is the Lawgiver), executive (He will administer, teach and enforce the righteousness of the law), and judicial (He will resolve any difficult matters regarding application of the law).

October 21

A Tale of Two Cities
Tom May

In this message, Babylon is depicted as the embodiment of man’s attempt at self-rule and rejection of God and is contrasted to Jerusalem and how it is depicted as God’s special city.

Bourne Identity
Wes Cohron

The Bourne Identity was a movie about a CIA agent suffering from psychogenic amnesia. There are people today who suffer from this disorder. Satan’s desire is that we forget about who we are and where we are going. This sermon will reinforce who we are and where we are going.

October 22

Healing Families, Sustaining Families
Andy Burnett

Scripture talks about the total destruction of false worship in the Millennium, including the high places where Israel and the nations of the world worshipped false gods and committed idolatry.  Are we demolishing the “high places” in our lives now?

October 23

What Is Glory?
Roy Demarest

I will attempt to explain what the glory that shall be revealed in us is, and how that will enable the firstfruits to be able to teach and rule successfully in the Millennium.

October 24

You Counted in This World
Tim Rickard

To God the Father and Jesus Christ, everyone in this world counts. The apostle John recorded several things that Jesus said and did on the Eighth Day—the last one He observed during His human life here on earth—that point to what we understand about this holy day.

The Resurrection, the Judgment, the Reunion
Wes Cohron

Today in the sermon we will look at these three unprecedented events that will occur on the Last Great Day!


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