2024 Greenville, South Carolina Festival Messages

2024 President's Sermon

October 16

You Shall Rejoice
James Ellis

This opening night message reviews the biblical instruction to rejoice at the Feast of Tabernacles and explores two specific areas where we can do so.

October 17

The Spirit of the Lord Will Be in Charge
Mark Winner

In Isaiah 11 God shares with us what is coming with the return of Jesus Christ. There are many things to look forward to. It all begins, however, with knowing who is in charge.

October 18

Trials of the First Generation of Millennials
Ron Kelley

We have a unique set of trials today. The humans in the first weeks of the Millennium will have a completely different set of trials. We’ll take a look at six specific trials this first generation will face and how we might help them cope.

October 19

Healing in the Millennium
Ken Treybig

Luke 4 tells us that Jesus started His ministry on earth by quoting a passage from Isaiah about healing. It is clearly a millennial prophecy, so let’s explore this topic of healing in the Millennium.

October 20

The Beauty of the Family
Drew Tranquada

God is building a family, which means that family is vitally important to God. In the Millennium, we can see the beauty of a family the way God designed, without any influence from Satan.

October 21

At the Feast I Want to Hear the Message
Ron Kelley

At the Feast we desire to hear messages that give hope to all people, messages that stir us to change and, finally, messages that paint a vivid picture of what the world will be like for those who live into the Millennium or who are born into that new world.

October 22

Change Is Coming
James Ellis

Mankind continues to see the effects from a statement made in Genesis 3:17: “Cursed is the ground for your sake.” However, the Bible reveals how dramatic changes will come in the Millennium.

A Matter of Shape and Substance
Jeremy Lallier

Following God makes us weird in the eyes of the world. Sometimes we’ll feel the pressure to tone down that weirdness for the sake of making life easier. Romans 12:1-2 shows us that WHO changes us—and HOW they change us—matters a lot.

October 23

Arriving at the Doorstep of Salvation
Bob Iacobucci

Sometimes we may want to “extend” the Feast. However, the end of the Millennium will not be a sad time. There won’t be a desire to “extend” the Millennium. Rather, it will be a glorious time of anticipation and satisfaction as we reflect on what was accomplished and what is yet to be done.

Truth Will Cover the Earth
Drew Tranquada

Untruths and lies have been around since Satan’s rebellion. The Millennium will be a time to undo the untruths and teach mankind how to live a life founded on God’s Word, which is truth!

October 24

Last Great Day: A God of Equality
Ken Treybig

In this message we’ll look at how rarely this holy day and its significance are understood. We’ll cover the meaning of this day and discuss three common false teachings that keep people from understanding its meaning.

God Loves Seeing Us Endure
Mark Winner

Matthew 10:22 says, “He who endures to the end shall be saved.” Is it worth it? When we leave the Feast, we are often put to the test. There is tremendous encouragement that comes from persevering.


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