2022 Orange Beach, Alabama Festival Messages

2022 President's Sermon

October 9

The Blessing of Keeping the Feast
Phil Sandilands

God’s people through the ages have not always been able to keep the festivals. While we can, we must use this time wisely.

October 10

A Civilized Society—Human Hope, God’s Promise
Dave Myers

What are the essential ingredients that might make utopia possible? Why have human attempts failed? What will ensure that the Kingdom of God will succeed where humans have failed?

October 12

Two Different Worlds
Roy Demarest

Consider the contrast of the Millennium to the world we have had for 6,000 years. The curses placed on Adam and Eve will be removed and replaced with the the blessings of God. Genesis 25:7-8, which is an epitaph of the life of Abraham, will be the basis for this message.

October 13

Can You See the Shores of the Kingdom of God?
Tim Rickard

Do you have a vision of the Kingdom of God that will sustain you through the fog of life?  I submit to you that we need to have one, that we need to think of ways to make sure this is very real to us so we can hang on each day to the dream of a better world to come.  Vision is the art of seeing the invisible.

October 14

The Plan, the Road Map, the Courage
Wes Cohron

How would you define success? How can true success be anything less as a Christian than to inherit the Kingdom of God? In this sermon we will discuss three essential goals/concepts in order to achieve ultimate success.

October 16

A Real Visionary Doer
Cory Erickson


Sweet Is the Sleep of the Laborer
Chuck Sinon

The seventh day of the Feast represents over 900 years into the Millennium. This sermon is given from the perspective of one of God’s saints now a spirit being looking back over the Millennium at all that has been accomplished.

October 17

Day of Days
Justin Adkins

We’re here on the Last Great Day, because the plan of God isn’t finished. We’re missing the piece surrounding all the billions that have lived and never had a chance at salvation. This holy day pictures one of the most monumental times in human history. It truly pictures a day of days.

It Is Your Destiny!
Dave Myers

Christians have been called to an amazing destiny. Do we live each day with this destiny in focus?


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