2021 New Braunfels, Texas Festival Messages

2021 President's Sermon

September 20

Have You Arrived at the Feast Yet?
Gary Black

We are here physically, but are we really ready for a spiritual Feast? Let’s make sure we are.

September 21

Who Are We That You Should Do This for Us?
Andy Burnett

The reestablishment of Israel represents one of Jesus Christ’s first actions during His reign as King of Kings in Jerusalem.  Why does He choose to restore Israel first, and how does He do so?  What bigger purpose does He have in mind, and how does this apply to us now?

September 23

Recapturing True Values
Tim Rickard

Two important concepts to realize early in life are that the Word of God is the foundation of knowledge and that we are here to recapture true values. These cannot be acquired by observation or human reasoning, but can be received only by revelation from God. We must understand this if we want to live successful lives.

September 24

How Nature Changes in the Millennium
Bill Jahns

In the Millennium animals will have their natures changed; deserts will become productive; the earth will be restored to the time of Adam; the nature of man will change. The teaching of God’s law will change the character of mankind. Isaiah 11 and 35 describe details of these changes. 

September 25

Liberty for All
David Treybig

When He was on earth as a human, Jesus once entered a synagogue on the Sabbath and read a prophecy proclaiming liberty to the captives. The fulfillment of Jesus’ teaching on liberty will be accomplished during the Millennium. This sermon contrasts human views regarding liberty with God’s.

September 26

Impossible Forgiveness
Gary Black

Mercy and forgiveness will be keys to bringing peace after Christ’s return. How might we teach these things to those who have been hurt and have suffered anger and bitterness for so long?

September 27

The Great Reset
Ken Treybig

God made humans with the incredible ability to analyze and reason. The danger is that Satan will influence some at the end of the Millennium (Revelation 20:7). They will attempt their own “Great Reset” after 1,000 years of peace, attempting to “improve” on God’s perfect ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). Pride is the danger!

September 28

Perfect Memory, Perfect Love, Perfect Justice
Andy Burnett

The meaning of the Eighth Day (Last Great Day) is tied to these three attributes of our Father and His Son.  Understanding the meaning of this day gives us a glimpse into the minds of these two incredible eternal beings. And we will share their minds in that family. How should knowing this impact us now?

In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions
David Treybig

We know what most people misunderstand about Jesus’ comments in John 14:1-3, but do we understand the amazing promise Jesus made to His disciples and to us in this famous passage? This sermon examines the background to Jesus’ statements and explains what is currently being prepared for us.


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