2021 Branson, Missouri Festival Messages
2021 President's Sermon
September 21
Rejoice! The Feast Is Here
Michael Hanisko
We are inspired each year as God’s plan of salvation unfolds and we observe each of God’s festivals. We get especially excited about the Feast of Tabernacles because it is truly a special time. This sermon will review God’s commands concerning the Feast of Tabernacles to help us be in the proper Feast attitude.
The Rehabilitation of Israel
John Foster
We will be involved in one of the greatest rehabilitation programs in history as spirit-being priests of God. It will involve therapeutic training and education for millions of people.
September 22
Introducing the Government of God
Tom Clark
A new and righteous government will one day rule the entire world! But God has used different governmental structures at different times throughout man’s history. What exactly is this government going to look like? What do we know about how this government is going to be structured?
September 23
Are You Willing to Get Out of the Boat?
Tom Clark
As when Peter got out of the boat to walk on water, it takes faith to face trials and challenges. We will only enter the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.
September 24
Just What Do You Mean, Rejoice?
Larry Salyer
We are commanded to rejoice at the Feast—related to picturing the Millennium. Do we rejoice only at the Feast—or should it be a constant for Christians? What is God’s view? While our focus now is on the Feast, we are also encouraged to “rejoice evermore!” Who, when, where and how?
Dennis Fultz
We will look at the family structure from the past, the family structure of today, and what our role will be in helping Jesus Christ restore “the family” as God originally intended.
September 25
You Shall Hear a Voice Behind You
Mike Blackwell
Isaiah tells us that teachers will no longer be removed into a corner, but will be responsible for teaching the people to fear God, to learn His ways and to learn righteousness. We will be those teachers, but we are in training. What are the characteristics of a great teacher?
September 26
Laborers for the Harvest
Steven D. Moody
God created us with temporary, mortal life. However, He created us to offer us the opportunity to receive spirit, eternal, glorious, incorruptible God-life. He wants us to become His own sons and daughters, but only if we are 100% committed to embracing His values now.
September 27
From Wandering to Wondering
Justin Adkins
Through God’s holy day cycle, we’re able to evaluate our progress in our journey toward the Kingdom of God. We will come to better understand how we should go from wandering … to wondering.
September 28
None Forgotten
Caleb Froedge
Many religions believe that fellow human beings have a major responsibility to help save others. With this belief, some may not be reached or even have a chance! Did God leave His all-important plan in the hands of limited human beings? Are some actually forgotten without an opportunity for eternal life?
The Hand of the Diligent Will Rule
Michael Hanisko
Why is the quality of diligence so important to God? What does diligence have to do with ruling—today over our lives and tomorrow when Christ is ruling the earth? What is so important about diligence that God says, “The hand of the diligent will rule”? Our diligent labor is not in vain.