2020 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Festival Messages
2020 President's Sermon
October 3
Temporary Dwellings and God’s Kingdom
Kevin Epps
A review of some basic lessons about God’s Kingdom that can be gleaned from temporary dwellings. Three examples are covered: booths, tents and tabernacles.
The Teaching for Us From the Book of Ecclesiastes
Paul Suckling
Let's look at five main lessons from the book. We'll see the futility of human wisdom against the realities of God’s way of life.
October 5
Why We Rejoice at the Feast
Don Henson
God intends that during this Feast we enjoy physical blessings. He tells us to use festival tithe “for whatever your heart desires.” It’s good that we enjoy travel, condos, restaurants, sharing gifts. But there is a deeper reason for rejoicing. What is the most important purpose for our celebration?
October 6
A Fountain Shall Be Opened
Chris Moen
This promised fountain of living water is the key to opening the minds of billions between the coming millennial age and the Great White Throne Judgment period. This fountain will begin in Jerusalem and then spread through all the whole earth.
Ambassadors for Christ
Chad Messerly
We have been called into the Body of Christ for a purpose. That purpose points toward the millennial reign of Christ.
October 7
Prosperity and the Millennium
Bill Jahns
The Bible clearly shows that there will be prosperity in the Millennium. Prosperity does not come by accident. The climate in the Millennium will change for the better, and there will be a government that is led by servants of God.
Free From Fear
Chad Messerly
We live in a world where many people have fear. The millennial reign of Jesus Christ will change that. The world to come will be a time free from fear.
October 8
Is Zechariah 14 Literal or Symbolic?
Kevin Epps
A look at three reasons why events in Zechariah 14 should be taken literally: 1. God-inspired language is used. 2. Clear details of Christ’s return are given. 3. The details surrounding the Feast in this chapter are literal.
October 10
The Four Seasons in Our Lives
Paul Suckling
Paralleling the four seasons of nature, we all experience winter, spring, summer and fall. What are the lessons we as Christians can learn and apply from nature?
The End of the Beginning
Don Henson
Scripture shows that this day represents the White Throne Judgment—when all who have not yet had the opportunity will be resurrected and given the hope of eternal life. In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul concludes, “Then comes the end.” What comes next? Is it really “the end,” or is it just the beginning?